Whew, it's been a long time since I've posted! (Hmmm...August 27th to December 20th? Sounds like a busy term in grad student land to me!) Thought I'd make up for it with a brilliant idea posted by Nora, an educator who trains other educators in how to teach sexualities. Nora (she didn't leave a surname) wrote to PostSecret that she uses some of the images from PostSecret to help educators and students explore some of the very real human issues we think/worry/wonder/ about when it comes to our sexualities. It's a brilliant idea, and one that I think could revolutionize the way we teach sexualities.
PostSecret , for those of you who don't know, is a community art project where people are invited to create a postcard and mail their secrets in. It's been going on for a few years now, and has become a bit of a cultural phenomenon inspiring several books, and countless PostSecret events all over North America.
New secrets are posted on the site every Sunday, and it's a fascinating glimpse into the act of being human. It's also incredibly addictive, and the first site I visit every Sunday.

When I read about Nora's brilliant idea, I started seeing how many of these secrets could apply to teaching sex edcuation. The next few posts will be exploring some of the images that could be used pedagogically to inspire conversation about real issues of sexuality. (All images owned by PostSecret). I think she's on to something big here. What do you think?