Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thanks to the bloggers at Feministing for posting this. Once again, the litmus test is: Can you imagine this advertisement being done with a little boy/young man? Would that be weird and offensive? Kind of just like this is? :-/ I need to find something to post about positive gender messages, this is just depressing. If you have any ideas, please let me know in the comments section... *sigh*


antes da chuva said...

So, Lisa, I'm a journalist. I'm wiriting my project now. I want talk with women to know what think abour her lives, another women,sex, work, men, sons, society etc etc.
Can your understand it?


antes da chuva said...

Lisa, dear,

It's ok about english. No problem. I can understand U.
There's feminism in Brazil and studies about too. I have a friend that study women in HQ.
Do you speak french too? I saw that you live in Montreal.

see U,

antes da chuva said...


Can you reed in portuguese?

antes da chuva said...

Thanks, dear. I take my own photographs. That pic is of my all star. I love self-portrait. I’m doing research to my project (2 mouths, I think). My idea is interview women. I like your blog to. It’s beautiful like you. Sorry my English. I need study more!

Have a lovely day...