15-year-old Katrina Mather has calculated that the opening hours of her local sexual health clinic in the UK give each young person in the area access for under 15 seconds per month.
A survey by the UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) of over 20,000 young people published today highlights that more than 50% have never been taught about pregnancy in school and wouldn’t know where to find their local sexual health clinic. Effective condom use is also not being taught to more than half of the students in the UK, and most find their sex education to be disappointingly inadequate.Findings from the survey are published in a report entitled “Sex & Relationships Education – Are You Getting It?” being launched today at the House of Commons. Other findings echo those found in other studies across the globe: that we aren't teaching youth about relationships, the things they find meaningful and that most young people find their sex education to be woefully inadequate. When will we start to believe them, when they have been telling us for more than a decade that we are doing it wrong?

source: UKyouthparliament.org
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